How to Use the Amazon Business Punchout in Oracle Procurement


This article teaches how to go through the Amazon Business punchout in Oracle Procurement and successfully navigate checkout.

Essential Information

Next StepsĀ 

Navigate to the Punchout

  1. Go here
  2. Click Company Single Sign-On.
  3. Sign in with your Active Directory information.
  4. Click Procure to Pay.
  5. Click Purchase Requisitions
  6. In Top Categories, click All Punchouts.
  7. Click Amazon Business

Shop within the Punchout

  1. Search for and add things to your cart.
  2. Proceed to Checkout once finished.
  3. In Deliver To, enter the name of the recipient.
  4. Click Use this address.
    1. This address DOES NOT need to be changed - ultimately, the address indicated by you in Oracle's checkout screen will be used instead.
  5. Click Use this payment method.
    1. This payment method DOES NOT need to be changed - ultimately, the POETAF or GL chart string referenced in Oracle's checkout screen will be used.
  6. Click Submit order for approval.
  7. Complete the Checkout process in Oracle Procurement (KB0032058: How to Checkout in Oracle Procurement).


If you need any additional assistance, please submit a ticket here, or call the IPPS Help Desk at (858) 534-9494.