Add Teaching Assistants (TAs) and Other Users to a Canvas Course


By default, Canvas class rosters are pulled from Registrar enrollment data so students and staff not formally enrolled in a course will not be able to view the course Canvas site. However, so that they may access class resources instructors can add:

In most cases, instructors can give these individuals access to their course by assigning them the appropriate role using the Add TA tool available on the course homepage. 

You must have the Teacher or administrator role the class in order to be able to add TAs. The teacher role is typically reserved only for the instructor of record, and is therefore not an option for other users in the course. You will need to provide the teaching assistant's UC San Diego email and indicate what level of access you'd like them to have in the course.

Please note that role accounts (also may be referred to as departmental or test accounts) are not allowed in Canvas for security and privacy reasons.

Critical Concepts

There are multiple access levels for instructional staff in Canvas:

A course participant with the Observer role can view course content and cannot submit assessments.

Please note:

Steps to Take

Add Users to a Current Course

  1. Go to your course homepage
  2. Click the Add TA button in the right-hand sidebar
  3. Type in the user's UC San Diego email address. Only use AD email address. Do not use alias emails or extensions, like "" or ""
  4. Select the appropriate role for the user from the dropdown list
    • The TA role allows user to add, edit, and delete content, as well as view, enter, and edit grades
    • The Grader role allows user to view, enter, and edit grades only
    • The Designer role allows user to add, edit, and delete content only
    • The Observer role allows user to view the course content
  5. Click the Add Teaching Assistant button
  6. The user will be added to the enrollment queue, which runs every two to three hours (Daily, 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.)

Add Users to a Past Course

  1. Go to your course setting's page
  2. Click the Add TA button in the right-hand sidebar
  3. Type in the user's UC San Diego email address. Only use AD email address. Do not use alias emails or extensions, like "" or ""
  4. Select the appropriate role for the user from the dropdown list
    • The TA role allows user to add, edit, and delete content, as well as view, enter, and edit grades
    • The Grader role allows user to view, enter, and edit grades only
    • The Designer role allows user to add, edit, and delete content only
    • The Observer role allows user to view the course content
  5. Click the Add Teaching Assistant button
  6. The user will be added to the enrollment queue, which runs every two to three hours (Daily, 7 a.m. until 7 p.m.)

Manage Added Users in the Course


If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please email or call our faculty helpline at (858) 822-3315.