How to: File/Data Transfer - Data Science/Machine Learning Platform (DSMLP/DataHub)


It's always a good idea to backup your files. This guide will help you transfer files from the DSMLP cluster to your desktop or git.

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take: Archival

How to download files from the DSMLP cluster to your desktop.


Create a repository on the git host of host of your choice, e.g. GitHub. Then commit and push your files.

Visual Studio Code

Launch a Visual Studio Code pod and copy/paste the files from VS Code to your desktop.


Data may be copied to/from the cluster using the "SCP" or "SFTP" file transfer protocol from a Mac or Linux terminal window, or on Windows using a freely downloadable utility.  We recommend this option for most users.

Example using the Mac/Linux 'sftp' command line program:

slithy:Downloads agt$ sftp <username>
pod agt-4049 up and running; starting sftp
Connected to
sftp> put 2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch-lite.img
Uploading 2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch-lite.img to /datasets/home/08/108/agt/2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch-lite.img
2017-11-29-raspbian-stretch-lite.img             100% 1772MB  76.6MB/s   00:23
sftp> quit
sftp complete; deleting pod agt-4049
slithy:Downloads agt$

On Windows, we recommend the WinSCP utility.


'rsync' also may be used from a Mac or Linux terminal window to synchronize data sets:

slithy:ME198 agt$ rsync -avr tub_1_17-11-18 <username>
pod agt-9924 up and running; starting rsync
building file list ... done
rsync complete; deleting pod agt-9924
sent 557671 bytes  received 20 bytes  53113.43 bytes/sec
size is 41144035  speedup is 73.78
slithy:ME198 agt$


As of summer 2022, all courses now have workspaces, which provide two options for file transfer. 

The first option is to download the files from dsmlp-login as described above. However, the location of the files will be under /dsmlp/workspaces-fs0*/COURSE/home/USERNAME, where workspaces-fs0* is a string such as workspaces-fs01, workspaces-fs02, or workspaces-fs03.

You can find a list of all workspaces with the command workspaces -l:

-bash-4.2$ workspace -l                                                                                                                                                  
2023-06-29 22:31:23,653 - workspace - INFO - Retrieving course info...
2023-06-29 22:31:23,742 - workspace - INFO - 1/3: Retrieving course info for <COURSE_0>...
2023-06-29 22:31:23,742 - workspace - INFO - 2/3: Retrieving course info for <COURSE_1>...
2023-06-29 22:31:23,742 - workspace - INFO - 3/3: Retrieving course info for <COURSE_2>...

Course_ID, Path to Course Workspace Home Directory
<COURSE_0> /dsmlp/workspaces-fs04/<COURSE_0>/home/<username>
<COURSE_1> /dsmlp/workspaces-fs03/<COURSE_1>/home/<username>
total = 2
Note: above list may include courses that have ended

Then, to access a given workspace directory:

cd /dsmlp/workspaces-fs04/<COURSE_0>/home/<username>

The second option is to use Visual Studio Code. The ProxyCommand line in ssh_config should include the -W (workspace) option with the ID of the workspace, i.e. the course id.

ProxyCommand ssh -i path/to/privatekey /opt/launch-sh/bin/ -p normal -W COURSEID -H -N vscode-dsmlp

The files can be copy/pasted from VS Code to your desktop.

Third-Party Datasets

Sometimes you may need to download a dataset onto the cluster. First, consider its size and the number of users. If it is large and used by multiple people please send a request to and we can put it into the /datasets folder so it can be shared.

If it's small you can use wget or curl to download it. First SSH to dsmlp-login and then invoke wget or curl.

Find the original version of this guide.

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