Alert Text | Steps to Take |
This expense report requires a valid Oracle Payee ID in order to issue payment. This employee/affiliate profile does not have an Oracle Payee ID associated to it. For affiliates, complete a PaymentWorks traveler registration to receive a Payee ID. For employees, submit a case to troubleshoot your profile. |
- This cannot be resolved by the user and must be resolved by IPPS.
- Please submit a case to the Travel team and be sure to include the Concur user’s name, if they are an employee, and their UCPath ID (if applicable).
Action: This report must be submitted by the Traveler/Cardholder so they can certify their expenses. An email will be sent to the traveler tomorrow to notify them that their expense report is ready. |
- Delegates are not able to submit Travel Expense Reports, New Card Requests, and Procurement Card Expense Reports.
- Delegates can still select the Submit Report button to discover potential alerts/errors, pertaining to COA/POETAF and/or policy.
- Delegates can also select the Submit Report button to send a notification to the cardholder/traveler the next day, asking them to log in and submit the Expense Report.
Please only submit personal reimbursements, University Prepaid, T&E Card, or CTS-Air, Hotel expenses after the trip or event has passed. |
- Travel policy does not allow Final Reconciliation Expense Reports to be submitted before the trip has occurred.
- If the Business Travel Dates are prior to today's date, you may submit the Expense Report.
Please attach your approved request to this expense report. Attach your request by clicking Report Details and selecting Manage Requests. |
- All Travel Expense Reports (other than Expense Reports with the Business Purpose: Mileage) are required to have a Travel Request created, approved, and attached to an Expense Report.
- Please review KB0032013 How to Create a Travel Request in Concur for the Travel Request process.
Please submit your P-Card expenses on a Procurement Card Expenses report. |
- Ensure that Procurement Card Expenses is selected as the Report Type.
- To view/change the Report Type, select Report Details and then Report Header from the drop-down menu.
This Procurement Card expense report includes one or more charges that were not made on the Procurement Card. Move any non-Procurement Card charges to a different expense report type. |
- Only Procurement Card charges loaded into the system can be attached to Procurement Card Expense Reports:
- Do not click on the Create New Expense tab when adding Expenses to a Procurement Card report
- Manual charges should never be created for Procurement Card
- The only Expenses you should add are the ones that appear on the Available Expenses tab
- Do not add T&E Card Charges to a Procurement Card Expense Report
- If 4 business days have passed and a card charge has not appeared on the cardholder’s Concur account, please submit a ticket
- To view/change the Report Type, select Report Details and then Report Header from the drop-down menu:
- Once an Expense Report is submitted, users are not able to change the Report Type
- Please recall the Report if the Report Type needs to be changed
- To remove non-Procurement Card charges, check the box next to each undesired charge and select Delete
Expenditure Type is required per expense when a Project is selected. Please select an Expenditure Type by clicking on "Allocation" on your expense. |
- If this is a New Card Request, please remove the Project and Task from the Request as they are not necessary:
- Card Requests and Card Action Requests are non-posting transactions (they do not impact PPM or the General Ledger)
- However, all Requests and Expense Reports must go through COA/POETAF validation (ex: all Expenses tied to a Project must have an Expenditure Type linked to the charge)
- The simplest solution is to remove the Project and Task from the Request
- In any other situation, please add in the Expenditure Type in the transaction or the Allocation:
- Enter in the Expenditure Type in the correct field for the Expense
- If the Expenditure Type field is not visible, please create an Allocation or edit an existing one and add the Expenditure Type there
This looks like a travel expense report for a non-employee or student traveler. For reporting purposes, please add the guest traveler name and address on the Report Header, even if there are no reimbursements due to this traveler. |
- Non-employee or non-employee Student was selected as the Traveler Type and requires non-employee payee information to be added to the Header to indicate who the Guest Traveler is.
- All Guest Travelers must be invited to and register in PaymentWorks before traveling.
- Once their registration is processed, the non-employee traveler will be available for selection in Concur.
- Enter the Guest Traveler's name and address on the Report Header in the fields outlined below and select Save to clear this message.
INFORMATIONAL: This expense entry may be a duplicate of the following expense. This will NOT prevent the Expense Report from being submitted. [Expense Lines] |
- Concur will automatically check for potential duplicate expenses to prevent duplicate reimbursement or claiming the same expense.
- This alert is to prompt the user/delegate to review those expense entries and either ensure that they are true, separate expenses or taken action to correct/remove the expense entry if applicable.
- If you are certain that this is not a duplicate, no further action is required.