Kuali Research Proposal and Activity Types

Proposal and Activity Types: What's the difference?

Proposal types refer to the type of submission (whether it's new, a revision to an existing award). These are the available options and their definitions:

Proposal Type



A non-competitive proposal for the next funding increment of a current project usually submitted annually, if required by the agency. 

*For Unfunded Agreements: Select “Continuation” if this is an amendment to an existing unfunded agreement.

A competitive proposal for support of a project that is being submitted for funding the first time. 
*For Unfunded Agreements: Select “New” if this is a new agreement. 
RenewalA proposal to renew an expiring project, which will be reviewed competitively with other proposals and for which funding is not assured.
ResubmissionA competitive proposal that was previously submitted but was not funded and is being amended for resubmission.

A proposal application that proposes a change in the Federal Government's financial obligations or contingent liability from an existing obligation/award (e.g., NIH requires that requests for supplements to their grant awards be submitted using the proposal type of “Revision”). A Revision in this context is always a change to an existing award.

*For Supplements: Choose this option.


A “new” proposal previously submitted to an agency that is being funded, but needs to be revised to incorporate changes requested by the funding agency, whether it be for the funding amount dollars or for research.

For example, if there is a "New" record that, in the course of JIT or other pre award negotiations, has an informal revision that does not require formal submission of a Revised Application to the agency (such as a revised budget or scope discussed in correspondence with a program officer), then the record stays as original. 

Activity Types describe the kind of investigation and research that will be conducted under an award. This can include any of the below options:

Activity Type


Basic ResearchResearch which is directed toward the increase of knowledge in science wherein the primary aim of the investigator is fuller knowledge or understanding of the subject under study, rather than a clear or direct practical application thereof.
Basic Research, Marine Physical LabScripps Institution of Oceanography ship and ship technician use.

This describes projects that involve the scholarly, professional, or occupational instruction of matriculated students or University employees in forms such as classes, seminars, workshops, conferences, and more. This can also include agency sponsorship of students or employees who are "in training" primarily, but not exclusively, at the graduate and postgraduate levels.

The scope of this Activity Type also encompasses sponsored training awards made to the University. These awards provide for a selection of student recipients via academic departments and institutional support that is either included in the training grant or applied for and awarded separately.

Intergovernmental Personnel AgreementA payment mechanism that allows employees of UC San Diego to remain on the University's payroll and benefits while providing service to a government agency.
Clinical Research

This describes research with human subjects that is patient-oriented. This includes research conducted with human subjects (or on material of human origin such as tissues, specimens, and cognitive phenomena) for which an investigator (or colleague) directly interacts with human subjects.

This includes research into the mechanisms of human disease, therapeutic interventions, clinical trials, development of new technologies, epidemiological and behavioral studies, outcomes research and health services research.

Excluded from this definition are in vitro studies that utilize human tissues that cannot be linked to a living individual. Additionally, studies falling under 45 CFR part 46.101(b) (4) (Exemption 4) are not considered clinical research by this definition.

For more detailed information contact the Office of Clinical Trials Administration.

Other Sponsored Activities
This Activity Type should only be used if a research project cannot be classified as basic, applied, developmental, or clinical research.
*This is the only Activity Type that should be selected for an Unfunded Agreement