How to View and Resolve PPM Cost Transfers Not Processed


This article details the steps to review Unprocessed Cost Transfer Transactions that are either in Pending or Exception Status. Cost Transfers that are in Exception Status have an Oracle control preventing the Cost Transfer from being processed.

Essential Information

Next Steps

1. Log into Oracle, using Single Sign-on.

2. Select Projects and Awards > Costs

3. In the Overview page, expand Transaction Processing Status, select the Adjustments tab.

4. Under Adjustments, there are two tabs for Exceptions and Pending transactions, review both:

          a. If you don’t see the expanded menu with details to click on, please do this workaround:

                    1. First click on one of the other tabs (borrowed and lent OR burdening) and  then click back to adjustments and it loads correctly with the details as described. This seems to "refresh" the page so that you can see the details. We are currently working with Oracle on resolving this bug.

b. For Exceptions: transactions that did not go through.

1. On the Exceptions tab, in the Number of Exceptions column, select the numbered link, e.g. 415.

2. In the Search Results, all transactions display.

3. To minimize number of results, select the Filter icon, which displays fields above each column, either enter Project Name, e.g. SP or Project Number above the respective column and press Enter.

4. Transactions will display based on your search criteria.

5. Select desired transaction using Transaction Number link.

6. On Expenditure Item page, select Adjustment History.

7. The Adjustment Status column displays, Rejected, Not Allowed, etc. 

8. Review Message below if Rejected or Not Allowed.

9. Based on Message, identify the error and resolve, then you may Resubmit Adjustment, by coming back to this page, locating transaction and clicking Resubmit Adjustment.

10. You may also click Cancel Adjustment which will remove the transaction from this cue and if necessary, you can reprocess.

11. When you Cancel Adjustment, a warning dialog box displays, click Yes to proceed.

12. Status now reflects Canceled.

13. To return to list of transactions, click Done.

c. For Pending: transactions that are waiting approval, please refer to KB0033119: How to View Cost Transfer Approvers for a Level 4 Financial Unit and contact the appropriate approver to remind them to approve.

1. Return to Transaction Processing Status.

2. Click on the Adjustments tab.

3. Select Pending, in the Number of Adjustments Pending column, click on numbered link, e.g. 641.

4. In the Search Results, select the Filter icon, which displays fields above each column, either enter Project Name, e.g. SP or Project Number above the respective column and press Enter.

5. All transactions will display based on your search criteria.

6. Select desired transaction using Transaction Number link.

7. On the Expenditure Item page, select Adjustment History tab.

8.  The Adjustment Status column displays, Pending Approval.

9. To view the Initiator of the Cost transfer, Under Adjusted By, click the small triangle to open Initiator details, the name of the Initiator will display, click Done to close dialog box.

10. If desired, you may cancel transaction, click Cancel Adjustment which will remove the transaction, a warning dialog box displays, click Yes to proceed.

Supplemental Information

1. Click here, select Budget and Finance, select Project and Awards Panorama, select UCSD-DSH Project Cost Transfer Panorama, select Run Report.

2. Then use SSO to log on to Oracle BI Interactive Dashboard, run Transfer Approval Details report.


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