How to Differentiate Catalog, Punchout, and Request Form Orders in Oracle Procurement


This article helps the user learn how to determine whether a Catalog, Punchout, or Request Form was used to generate a Requisition; Based on features of Line items.

Essential Information

Next Steps

Catalog Orders

1. Catalog items will have an Agreement and Agreement Line visible when the Requisition line is selected.

Punchout Orders

1. Punchout items will have a Supplier Configuration ID visible when the Requisition line is selected.

2. Oftentimes the Description will have a hyperlink (line 1) though this is not the case for all Punchout items (line 4).

Request Form Orders

1. Request forms will have a paperclip icon in the Line column and an icon in the Description column when the Requisition line is selected.

2. The paperclip icon will contain additional form information.

3. The icon in the Description column will open the top half of the form.

Quantity-Based vs. Amount-Based Orders

1. Quantity-based orders will have a value in the Quantity column (line 2).

2. Amount-based orders will not have a value in the Quantity column (line 3).


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