How to Use JupyterLab


Our 2024 fall quarter images bring some major changes to the way notebooks are accessed on our cluster. Previously, users were directed towards an outdated interface known as Notebook 6. Our default is now known as JupyterLab, which brings numerous improvements to the Datahub experience.

Video Guide

(Coming Soon)

Main Differences Between Notebook 6 and JupyterLab

A summary of the new features:

General Guide

New UI

Writing + Debugging a Notebook

NBClassic/Notebook 7

LaTeX/Markdown Editor

We're happy to announce that the Jupyter team has added a native LaTeX parser (the backend being xelatex + bibtex) extension into the latest iteration of JupyterLab. This means that students can drop their assignments into JupyterLab and get to work. While the instructions below are for LaTeX, there is also a Markdown editor in JupyterLab that works largely in the same way.


While the NBGrader package itself has not changed too substantially from Notebook 6, there have been some notable changes to conform with JupyterLab's new UI.

Formgrader is accessible via Nbgrader>Formgrader.
The JupyterLab UI, but with the NBGrader dropdown tab highlighted.

Create a formgrader assignment as normal and add a notebook file to its corresponding directory. There are two buttons to create a new assignment while you're editing a notebook. One is accessible via the Nbgrader dropdown and the other is always on the right side of the notebook.
The JupyterLab UI, but with the NBGrader dropdown tab highlighted. The "Create assignment" option is highlighted in red. There is also a "Create assignment" tab on the right side of the notebook.

The Create Assignment UI should appear with each cell having several available grading options. If you need a refresh on what each option does, you can take a look at our Nbgrader documentation for more information.

A JupyterLab notebook with the NBGrader assignment UI opened. It shows each of the individual cells in the notebook and their type (read-only, autograded task, etc.)

Students can fetch/submit their assignments by going to Nbgrader>Assignment List. The UI is nearly identical to Notebook 6's.
The page that shows up when NBGrader -> Assignments is clicked in the dropdown. It shows assignments as students would see them, with the ability to either download/submit the assignment or look at the instructor's feedback.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email or submit a ticket.