How to Create & Upload Mass Events in CIPERB


This article provides instruction for uploading mass events into Oracle using the CIPERB application.

This tool interfaces to Oracle to make creating multiple events for one or many contracts quicker than using PPM Contract Invoices screen.

Critical Concepts

Steps to Take

Procedure A

  1. Log in to the CIPERB application, which defaults to the Dashboard
  2. Open the Task option, located next to the Search option in the upper right-hand corner
  3. Select Billing Events
  4. Open the left-hand task pane next to "Billing Event For", and select Download Template
  5. When the file has been downloaded, open the BillingEvents template and complete the following required fields in the excel spreadsheet (Instructions are provided on the 2nd tab of the file; failing to include all required fields will result in error). You can save this template for future use.
    1. Contract Number
    2. Contract Line
    3. Event Type (only enter Fee, Milestone, or Other)
    4. Description
    5. Completion Date
    6. Amount
    7. Project Number
    8. Task Number
  6.  Enter Optional Fields as needed:
    1.  Customer PO
    2. Customer Contact
    3. UOM
    4. Quantity
    5. Unit Price
  7. In CIPERB, next to Billing Event For, open the dropdown menu and select the appropriate Organization if not already defaulted to your organization. This does not impact the contract organization, it is used to track what organizations have uploaded events.
  8. Open the task pane again, and select Load from Excel
  9. A small window pops up to Select your excel file, click inside the text box to select the appropriate file e.g. BillingEvents
  10. Select Load File, and the data from the Excel sheet will populate into CIPERB
  11. Open the task pane again, and select Post Billing Events
  12. A small window pops up with a warning to keep the browser open until the job is complete, and to confirm the total Amount and Events posted; if correct, select Post File
    1. If errors are found (the row will be highlighted red), the small window will state Errors in billing events, and will require corrections before resubmitting. Select Close to correct the errors
    2. If the errors are minimal, they can be corrected directly in CIPERB; if the errors are numerous, best practice is to make corrections in the file, and repeat steps 9-11
  13. When the file posts successfully, the small window will state Events posted: Billing events posted successfully.
    1. You will see a little lock symbol on each line indicating the record is loaded to OFC and is locked for editing in CIPERB
  14. Select Close
  15. In the task pane, selecting Download Excel simply downloads the data input into CIPERB into an Excel file
  16. In the task pane, selecting Posted Event Files allows users to view posted events via their Organization or email
    1. Simply enter your Organization or email
    2. Select Search File
    3. All posted events (whether successful or not) will populate in the window
    4. You can highlight the desired line, and Load Selected File as needed
    5. Select Close when done
  17.  If after Posting, you receive an error, please correct the error and then from the Task menu, choose Resubmit Events

If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please submit a ticket here.