Triton Community Dining Plan


The Triton Community Dining Plan is a student Dining plan available on 9/4/24 to any student enrolled at UC San Diego. It is targeted to commuter students and grad students who are ineligible for Resident Dining Plans and may be purchased at any time during the Fall and Winter Quarter.

The Plan has a set price of $1,500, which must be paid in full at time of purchase. There is no payment or installment plan available, and the purchase of the Plan is nonrefundable.


Critical Concepts


Steps to Take


  1. Visit, click on “Student Login,” and log in with your SSO or "Authorized Payer Login" if not a student.
  2. On the TritonPay Overview page, scroll to the section called "Available Items".
  3. Select "Triton Community Dining Plan". Read the terms and conditions and click on "Add to Payment".
  4. Proceed to checkout and complete purchase using the available payment options.


 Email regarding dining terms or refund requests. Otherwise for all other inquiries, please submit a ticket here