Tax Intercepts: What is the California Interagency Intercept Collection Program?

This program is administered by the California Franchise Tax Board (FTB), on behalf of the State Controller’s Office. Whenever a state agency is unable to collect on unpaid charges, they can enlist the help of the California FTB. The California FTB collects money from tax refunds, lottery winnings, or unclaimed property.


As a state agency, UC San Diego has been approved to participate in this program for the 2022 tax year. Accounts that may be sent to the California FTB for tax intercept were mailed letters in early December. They were provided 30 days to contact our office to submit payment or inquire about their charges. All inquiries received within that time frame will not be submitted to the California FTB for the 2022 tax year to allow time to review account charges, submit payment, and/or request a time payment agreement. 


More information about the California Interagency Intercept Program can be found below:



If you still have questions or need additional assistance, please submit a ticket.